Synchronicity is an ever present reality. Once we become more aware of ourselves and our surroundings … we begin to notice the interconnectedness. When we realize that everything is interconnected, it’s no more improbable to realize that a butterfly flapping its wings in India may eventually cause a tornado in the American midwest. A small positive vibration may change the entire cosmos. The power of a single wish may change your life … or the world at large.
One fine morning, as I was admiring the eclectic mix of Tamilian and French sensibilities on the walls, doors, and windows of Nava Vihan (a center of creativity belonging to Sri Aurobindo Ashram) in Pondicherry, a woman, immersed in her palm sized bubble, walked by. She wasn’t aware of my presence, she wasn’t aware that her dress mimicked the color of the walls or that of the flowers, or that the rhythm of her footsteps matched the rhythm of my heartbeat. That small event of her walking by, caused a shutter to be pressed, then some words being written, emotions being shared, and new connections being created around the world.

Send out a positive vibration … and observe the world turning out to be a better place to live in.