Bangalore Palace Staircase

I really want to be the warm yellow light of winter morning sun that can warm the hearts of everyone I love. I believe, one of my favorite poets had similar thoughts. He wrote about a young boy who wanted to be sunshine.

It was a winter morning just before Christmas Day and there was the warm yellow light of the morning sun. I along with a dear friend of mine visited the Bangalore Palace.

Bangalore Palace, Bangalore, India

I don’t know why the mansion with a mix of Tudor and Scottish Gothic architecture pulled me. Was it the warmth of the morning sun … or was it the warmth of its yellow colored interiors … or was it a message from the universe?

Stairway to Durbar Hall, Bangalore Palace
Durbar Hall, Bangalore Palace
Courtyard, Bangalore Palace
Bangalore Palace Doorway
Doorway to warmth

Early Christmas morning, when the warm yellow light caressed my face, I heard Nirendranath Chakraborty was no more. But he left behind the warm yellow light and showed me the doorway to warmth.