And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.
John Muir
On a somewhat foggy day, at about 5:30 am, I climbed up to the machan that overlooks our homestay at Coorg. There was no one around and it was quiet … very quiet … or so it seemed. As moments passed … in stillness … in quietness, my sense of perception gradually started to pick up sounds from the surrounding forest. The birds, the insects, a faint sound of a water drop, and my own breath. In that moment, I believe I stepped into something profound. I felt my connection with the nature around. I was in the forest … and the forest was in me.

You know those moments in your life, when you experience peace … tranquility … equanimity. That’s the space I’m always trying to step into. It’s in those moments that our senses become heightened … our consciousness is elevated … we’re more connected. It’s in those moments we see life as it is … not as we think it should be.

I left a part of me in Coorg … and I carry a bit of Coorg in me!